The coronavirus pandemic continues to create a devastating impact worldwide, contributing to many health, psychological and economic issues.
You are invited to join this important online scientific congress featuring an international panel of experts to explore whether the measures taken in response to the global crisis are proportionate to the risks posed.
The World Doctors Alliance (WDA) is a global collaboration between medical professionals across the world, formed to address some the most urgent and important issues surrounding the pandemic.
Featuring an International Expert Panel:
Chair, World Doctors Alliance
PhD immunology, University College Dublin
Holistic Dental Surgeon, UK
MD, New York, USA
MD, Minnesota
MD, Denmark
Consultant MRCP Psychiatrist, UK
RCO Psychiatrist, UK
FCPS, MRCOG Gynaecologist, UK
Founder, ACU2020, Hamburg, Germany
Sexual Health Nurse, UK
17:00 - 17:10
WELCOME & OPENING ADDRESS - World Docters Alliance Panel
17:10 - 18:35
17:10 - 17:25 DR MOHAMMAD ADIL, MB BS. FRCS Consultant Surgeon UK - ‘Alteration of Human Medicine Regulation Act 2012 with HMR act 2020 for promoting & dispensing vaccines’. - slides
17:25 - 17:40 PROFESSOR DOLORES CAHILL, PhD Professor of Translational Science, University College Dublin - 'Immunology and Coronavirus'
17:40 - 17:55 DR HEIKO SCHÖNING, MD Hamburg, Germany, founder of ‘Findings Of The COVID-19 Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee’
17:55 - 18:10 DR MOHAMMED NAEEM, Consultant MRCP Psychiatrist, Hon Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry University of Manchester, U.K - 'Emotional Exhaustion & Compassion Fatigue during COVID-19 Pandemic'
18:10 - 18:25 DAWN BRADLEY, BA (Hons) Health Studies. Research, RGN, Stif Intermediate Competent, Level 3 GUM Clinic - ‘British Association of Sexual Health and HIV survey reveals services are being decimated by Covid 19’
18:25 - 18.35 DR MIKAEL NORDFORS, Consultant Physician, Denmark, 'Vitamin D or Lockdown for Covid 19 Prevention?'
18:35 - 18:45
18:45 - 20:00
18:45 - 19:00 DR ALLAH NAWAZ KHAN, Consultant psychiatrist, MBBS, NHS GGC & Clyde, - 'Dementia and Covid-19'
19:00 - 19:15 DR SAIMA RAUF, MBBS,FCPS,MRCOG, MSc Gynaecologist U.K, Royal Bolton Hospital, U.K. - 'The effect of COVID-19 upon pregnancy'
19:15 - 19:30 DR ANDREW KAUFMAN, MD, Board certified general and forensic psychiatry, New York USA - 'Alleged Proof of Koch’s Postulates in Covid-19: An Example of Scientific Fraud in Virology'
19:30 - 19:45 DR SCOTT JENSON, Senator and MD, Minnesota USA, 'If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone'
19:45 - 20:00 DR ZAC COX, Holistic Consultant Dental Surgeon, U.K. - 'Lockdown, was it protective? Lessons learnt'
20:00 - 20:15
CLOSING ADDRESS - World Docters Alliance Panel
20:15 - 20:45
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Dr Mohammad I Adil
Chairperson, World Doctors Alliance ( WDA)
Reg. No. 12595323 - Companies U.K. & N. Ireland
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